On March 19th, 2018, PTC released the newest version of Creo Parametric – Creo 5.0. It brought with it new functionality and tools to improve design and help engineers and designers bring the physical and digital worlds together with augmented reality (AR) and smart, connected design.
“Product design is fundamentally changing, and Creo continues to evolve to meet the needs of our customers. With Creo, companies can go from the earliest phases of design to a smart, connected product,” said Brian Thompson, Senior Vice President, CAD Segment, PTC. “Improved functionality and new capabilities, like additive manufacturing, set Creo apart, and give companies a true competitive edge all the way from concept to manufacturing.”
The release includes advanced AR capabilities that ease the beginning stages of your product design process. Watch the EAC’s tip of the week on creating AR experiences from Creo here. The newest additions also provide designers and engineers with the tools to increase productivity, improve optimization, and get products to the market faster. So what’s new in Creo 5.0?
Subscription-Only Pricing & Annual Releases
Creo 5.0 and all future releases will only be available as a subscription. Unlike previous releases, there is no perpetual-license pricing available for new Creo Parametric seats. Ask an EAC representative about the current Reactivate Program to move to new Creo versions and packages at up to 23% off the list price of a new subscription license.
In October of 2017, Paul Sagar, VP of Product Management, Creo, announced the new annual release schedule for Creo software. The announcement showcased that going forward, PTC will release their CAD software each year to keep their customers up-to-date with the newest technology.
Creo 5.0 New Capabilities & Extensions
Topology Optimization Extension
Often times it’s a challenge to get past barriers to innovation with new physical designs due to already existing designs and practices. The new Creo Topology Optimization Extension automatically creates optimized parametric geometry based on a defined set of objectives and constraints. It’s a huge time-saver. The extension accelerates innovation without the limitations of existing designs and thought processes. It helps create improved designs without the over-engineering, additional weight, and additional material found in some designs.
Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing for metal 3D printing
Creo 4.0 enabled users to design optimize, and additively manufacture parts without the need to use multiple softwares – but now the Creo Additive Manufacturing Plus Extension for Materialise in Creo 5.0 extends support for metal 3D printing. New tools in the extension help generate and optimize custom support structures and weight/material saving lattices.
Mold Machining Extension
The new Creo Mold Machining Extension provides dedicated high-speed machining capabilities optimized for the creation of molds, tools, dies, electrodes, and prototype machining. These new capabilities can be used in complex machine designs to generate optimized design paths.
Creo Flow Analysis Extension
The Creo Flow Analysis Extension is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution allows users to integrate analysis early and often to understand product functions and performance. The extension allows designers and engineers easily and quickly simulate fluid flow directly within Creo.
Productivity Improvements
Creo 5.0 includes many productivity enhancements such as an improved user interface, geometry creation with sketch regions, subdivisional modeling, surfacing, sheet metal tools, and volume helical sweeps.
Creo 5.0 also offers the Creo Collaboration Extension for Autodesk Inventor to help organizations consolidate onto a single CAD system and work with even more vendors/suppliers.
This reduces cost and effort associated with maintaining multiple systems and enables better collaboration throughout an enterprise.
Bring your design process to the next level with Creo 5.0.