On November 20, 2018, PTC announced the ~$70M acquisition of an advanced generative design software company named Frustum Inc. Frustum’s technology leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to generate design options in a process called “generative design.” It will be worth your time to follow this acquisition and how PTC incorporates the technology into their flagship offerings. It should be a transformative addition to PTC’s Creo portfolio.
Frustum offers patented desktop and cloud-based engineering software from their headquarters in Boulder, CO. Their software enables engineers and designers to go beyond the limits of their personal experience by leveraging powerful AI capabilities that guide the discovery of high-performance, next-generation product designs.
When asked about the acquisition, Jim Heppelmann, President and CEO of PTC said “PTC is pushing the boundaries of innovation with this acquisition…Creo is core to PTC’s overall strategy, and the embedded capabilities from ANSYS and, later, Frustum will elevate Creo to a leading position in the world of design and simulation. With breakthrough new technologies such as AR/VR, high-performance computing, IoT, AI, and additive manufacturing entering the picture, the CAD industry is going through a renaissance period, and PTC is committed to leading the way.”

Earlier this year PTC announced a strategic relationship with ANSYS. Frustum complements this relationship and will help bring analysis upstream to the very start of the design process. With embedded Frustum and ANSYS capabilities, Creo will be able to recommend design approaches using generative design, guide the user through the iterative design process using ANSYS Discovery Live, and ultimately validate the full product design at scale using the broader ANSYS Discovery suite. With these capabilities embedded in Creo, engineers will have unmatched capabilities to rapidly drive product innovation.
Here is some more information about the acquisition from the official PTC press release…
“This acquisition is a natural step for PTC and its customers,” said Jeff Hojlo, program director, product innovation, IDC. “AI and machine learning (ML) are widely discussed as two of the most impactful technologies of the future. For design, engineering, and R&D, the potential positive impacts of complementing the development process with AI and ML are astounding: lowering cost of quality (which is currently 20-25 percent of annual revenue at the average manufacturer), improving product success rate (which remains very low with more than 80 percent of products failing), and improving time to market and time to revenue by meeting customer needs accurately the first time.”
The Power of Generative Design
With generative design, engineers can interactively specify the functional requirements and goals of their design, including preferred materials and manufacturing processes—and even indicate key design parameters that take into consideration purchasing decisions, manufacturing capacity, supply chain status, and regional-required product variances. The system then uses AI and powerful high-performance computing techniques to present design alternatives for consideration as a starting point or as a final solution. By removing the constraints of human imagination and experience, engineers will be able to interact with the technology to create superior designs and innovative products more quickly.
Generative design is appealing to PTC’s vast customer base as they seek ways to:
- Increase engineering productivity
- Improve innovation and conceptual design exploration
- Develop higher-performance designs that are lighter weight, with improved durability
- Optimize new products for improved manufacturability, reduce material costs, and decrease manufacturing cycle times
- Create complex geometries optimized for additive manufacturing
- Deliver better products faster
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
Integral to Frustum’s technology is a powerful AI component that learns, evolves, and, ultimately, performs key tasks, including:
- Providing valuable feedback to a designer early in the design phase
- Optimizing designs for multiple objectives simultaneously and offering a designer with multiple novel design alternatives, which enables companies to substantially reduce engineering cycles
- Modifying designs to manage multiple requirements and constraints, physics, materials availability, manufacturing processes, and design objectives
- Automating testing the outcomes of the design with other enterprise insights, including costing, supply chain, and quality data
The Transaction
The transaction closed on Monday, Nov.19, 2018. The acquisition is not expected to add material revenue for 2019 or to be dilutive to the financial guidance PTC provided on Oct. 24, 2018.
Additional Resources
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains statements about future events, including business performance and the effect of the acquisition on our future financial results, the integration and development of solutions, and the expected value of the acquired technology to users. These statements are “forward-looking statements” and actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including that the acquisition may not have the expected effect on future financial results and that the integration of the solutions may not occur when or as expected, and those risks and uncertainties described in PTC’s filings with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements reflect our beliefs as of the date of this release and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
EAC’s been in the engineering and design technology world for a long time. Over the years we’ve carefully cultivated our product portfolio to meet the ever-changing needs of people and companies that design, manufacture, and service products. Our partnerships with PTC and ANSYS allow us to offer a few different design simulation and analysis solutions to our customers.
Design simulation, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and many other terms all fall into the “simulation and analysis” bucket. These tools help engineers and designers create virtual prototypes of their products. This helps groups rapidly prove, or disprove, design ideas in a digital space – reducing the time and money spent on physical prototypes, and increasing confidence in designs.
“If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen ‘em all” does not apply to simulation software. Different tools offer different benefits, accuracy, speed, and ease-of-use. Here’s a quick overview of some of the tools we offer. Contact our sales group to learn more about pricing, full capabilities, and packaging.
Option 1) PTC Creo Simulate
Simulate is a fantastic tool that’s fully integrated into PTC Creo Parametric CAD software. It offers fantastic meshing capabilities and accurate simulation results directly within a user’s familiar CAD software interface. All you need to do select the PTC Creo Simulate tab and you’re off and running. This is great for designers and engineers looking to test the stresses and loads under which a product will operate in ‘real world’ conditions. Based on your simulation and analysis results, you can either fix design flaws or forestall them. If you’re already using PTC Creo you should explore PTC Creo Simulate. Because, why would you ever manufacture a product without testing and analyzing it first? Creo Simulate comes in two flavors – Simulate and Advanced Simulate. They come with two different price points. One or the other might be the best option for your company. It really comes down to whether you need to simulate materials with linear or non-linear properties.
Option 2) ANSYS Discovery Live
ANSYS Discovery Live blows my mind. This tool was released in late 2017 and delivers functionality never seen before. Discovery Live uses ANSYS Discovery SpaceClaim to pull in IGES, STEP, and CAD models. Then the interface guides users through applying materials and some constraints – and Boom! It runs the simulation…in real-time…right in front of you. I’m talking about the ability to run wind-tunnel testing in real-time! Discovery Live is different from PTC Creo Simulate and most other simulation tools. It uses the Graphics Card (GPU) to run the simulation. This means it doesn’t occupy your core processor and RAM to while solving. You get better computer performance and instantaneous results for structural, thermal, fluid flow, wind tunnel, structural/fluid interaction, and more. Discovery Live is a great tool for engineers and designers that want to test a lot of design options quickly. The price is incredibly reasonable for a tool this powerful. You can see pricing and compare Discovery Live to AIM here.
Option 3) ANSYS Discovery AIM
Sometimes simulating real-world conditions requires more features and control than tools like PTC Creo Simulate, Solidworks Simulation, or Discovery Live might offer. ANSYS Discovery AIM is a great option when that’s the case. ANSYS Discovery AIM is a “multi-physics” simulation tool. What does that mean? Multi-Physics or Multiphysics refers to the ability to combine properties and solvers to simulate product usage. “Physics” in the simulation world refers to the kinds of simulation you are running – e.g. electromagnetic, thermal, structural, radio frequency, fluid flow, etc. AIM is a workflow driven multi-physics tool. It guides users through the steps necessary to complete a successful simulation. This is the perfect option when companies want a robust solution, but may not have experienced analysts on staff. Much like how PTC Creo Simulate maintains a familiar interface to make simulations easier; AIM uses guided workflows to make detailed upfront simulation accessible to engineers and designers.
Option 4) Dedicated ANSYS analysis software
When product simulation and analysis goes to the next level you need the ANSYS flagship products. These are sometimes known as the ANSYS Workbench products. Unlike PTC Creo Simulate or the Discovery software, each of these tools focus on one area of simulation…and deliver results you can take to the bank (or the regulatory agency). They are more complicated and come with a higher price point, but the results are unmatched. ANSYS’ comprehensive software suite spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires. Organizations around the world trust ANSYS to deliver the best value for their engineering simulation software investment. If you need to test a specific physic – fluids, structures, electronics, semiconductors, or embedded software – this is the option for you. Contact us to learn more about a specific solution’s pricing and functionality. Also, if you’re a start-up make sure you ask us about special offers available through the start-up/entrepreneur program.
So there you have it. My layman’s take on a variety of simulation options. I hope you found this helpful. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to see a demonstration of any of these tools.
We transform the way companies design, manufacture, connect to, and service their products.
To fully grasp how we assist and serve our customers, you need to understand our core organizational beliefs:
- We believe the product development process is broken.
- We believe that there is a better way to achieve business initiatives through product development processes and it all starts with learning.
This is exactly why we created the EAC Value Model. We’re a learn first organization. We focus on taking the LAMDA approach.
What is LAMDA?
The LAMDA is a basic learning cycle of lean product and process development. It literally stands for “look, ask, model, discuss, and act.” Ideologically it is a way to learn and optimize within a closed-loop learning cycle that continually looks to improve a situation by defining and improving root-cause issues.
Our LAMDA based EAC Value Model works as follows.
The first phase of the EAC Value Model: Learn
During the learn phase, our specialists take a first-hand approach with your business. This is when we learn about your business initiatives, ask open-ended questions, and gather information so we can truly understand the key drivers of your business’ success, any the root-cause of any potential areas of improvement.
Throughout this phase we take time to learn about your people, your team, your processes, your technology, and the ways of your organization.
We take an in-depth look at your business from front-office to back-office to determine the how your company can extract the most value from its interaction with EAC.
This leads us to the second phase of the EAC Value Model – The Mutually Agreed Upon Plan or M.A.P.
The second phase of the EAC Value Model: The M.A.P.
Using the knowledge acquired from our learning exercise, our team creates a unique customized M.A.P for your organization. Your M.A.P. is a Mutually Agreed Upon Plan that incorporates a multiple step strategy, with actionable steps and business cases for your organization.
This phase provides an understanding of what needs to be accomplished in order to achieve your desired results.
Throughout this process we evaluate solutions that may address your organizational needs. Wither they may be through engineering services, educational training services, product development consultations, system implementation services, software solutions; we configure a plan to fit your specific needs.
The creation of the M.A.P. provides a clear path to value for your organization. It holds everyone accountable for the actions needed to solve business problems and tackle initiatives.
Once we have created your mutually agreed upon plan, the implementation phase begins.
The third phase of the EAC Value Model: Implementation
During the implementation phase we put the M.A.P. into action. This is where our teams move your solution from the developmental stage into production.
You could also refer to this stage as ‘deployment’, ‘go live’, ‘roll-out, or even ‘installation’.
The tasks performed during this phase might include installing or implementing CAD, Windchill, Industrial Automation, IoT or any number of other systems. Perhaps your M.A.P. incorporated training programs for your current teams or additional services for product information. No matter what your plan includes, our team works with you to provide any service, system, or additional skill necessary to achieve your desired results.
Throughout this phase our focus remains on helping your organization become a smart, connected enterprise.
The fourth phase of the EAC Value Model: The Score Card
This is the phase that sets EAC apart. Once we have implemented your solution(s), we never lose focus on gathering feedback on how we did, how a solution is working, or whether the desired outcome or return on investment is being realized…
Remember, our overall goal is to build a long-term relationship with your organization. We feel the best way to do this is by making sure you achieve the success your company needs.
Our business is built around the way your company designs, manufactures, services and connects your products and we recognize, its’ happy customers like you who keep us in business!
With the help of our EAC Score card, we obtain your feedback on how we can continue to help your organization grow.
Our dream for your organization is to create a smart connected enterprise where you have the ability to connect to your products, your shop floor, and know your predictive downtime before it even happens. We make it our priority to help your organization achieve more than you had had imagined.
Stephen Covey’s landmark book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ lists the 7th critical habit as “Sharpen the saw.” It references a parable of a lumberjack and a stranger. The woodsman is very busy cutting down trees. As he completes more and more work his effort increases and his productivity goes down because his saw dulls over time. The lumberjack, exhausted and cursing the labor, is approached by the stranger. “What’s the problem?” asks the stranger. “My saw is dull and won’t cut well” responds the lumberjack. “Why don’t you sharpen it?” asks the stranger. The lumberjack responds “What kind of question is that? Because I would have to stop sawing, and I’m very busy.” The stranger responds “But, if you sharpened your saw you could cut more efficiently than before. You could get even more work done.”
It’s important to sharpen our saw. We need to keep working to improve our knowledge base, approach, and overall situation. This may involve attending a training class, reading a book, mentoring and being mentored, or joining a peer group. I understand this can be difficult in the world of product development / engineering / design / manufacturing / and service. There is always pressure to get to market, get to the trade show, meet customer demands, etc.
Efficient engineering, design, manufacturing, and service requires efficient use of the supporting technologies for each role. Our training group consistently proves a return on our customer’s investment in training and development. That’s because technology keeps getting better. If you don’t know how to take advantage of the full functionality of your tools like PTC Creo, PTC Windchill, PTC Arbortext, and PTC Mathcad…you’re cutting with a dull saw.
We consistently schedule key PTC certified training classes and training courses that help people throughout organizations make the most of their technology. We deliver everything from Windchill Administrator courses to training classes for specific PTC Creo tools and functionality.
Do me a favor. Take time to sharpen your saw. A few days in a training course could save you hundreds of hours down the line. Take a look at the EAC Training Calendar. Maybe you’ll find the perfect PTC training course to put a new edge on your saw. Contact our training group to learn more about our training and mentoring delivery options (Like EACLive!) and full course catalogue. And check out this blog to learn more about how to select a PTC Training Course and Training Class provider.
In a recent Tip of the Week video over on our YouTube channel (https://youtube.com/eacpds) I talked about a new feature in PTC Creo 5.0 – Topology Optimization. Topology optimization has been around for about 20 years, but primarily as stand alone solutions. In spring 2018 PTC announced they had fully embedded a solution from the folks over VR&D into their flagship CAD tool.
This is big news because it allows every user to easily optimize designs in new ways; whether designing for traditional manufacturing or additive manufacturing / 3D printing. Light weighting a part or assembly while maintaining structural integrity is an important part of modern product development. Optimizing topology reduces shipping weight and costs, may improve user experience, and lowers material costs. I’m sure there are other benefits, but those alone can help companies compete in today’s global economy.
After talking with some of our technical resources and engineers, it sounds like the built in Creo 5.0 tool does a fantastic job shrink wrapping/finalizing the optimized geometry to ensure the surfaces can be solidified and don’t have any weird overlapping surfaces or gaps. Most topology optimization tools kick out facetted surfaces that still need to be smoothed out in another tool. Creo turns the optimized geometry into a Creo Freestyle surface that can be easily solidified. This is especially important when optimizing parts for 3D printing.
We’d love to show you this Creo functionality live. So, after you watch the tip of the week video, head over to our contact page to request a demonstration.
LiveWorx is an event that PTC hosts every year in Boston, Massachusetts and is known to be the largest technology conference and industrial marketplace in the world. Attendees experience the most innovative and disruptive technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), machine learning, blockchain, and robotics. At LiveWorx, organizations can discover tomorrow’s digital tools to solve mission critical issues and create a clear vision for business transformation. You can boost your professional development and expand your technical knowledge.
EAC Product Development Solutions is a nationwide value-added PTC Solutions Provider. In June at LiveWorx 2018, EAC had a booth with representatives of our organization who talked to attendees about AR, IoT, Smart Connected Manufacturing, and a better way to access data with customized apps adaptable to your organization’s needs. Here is what EAC attendees thought of LiveWorx 2018.
“My favorite part of LiveWorx was learning about all these different companies that are leading the way for innovation and manufacturing and being prepared for change.
– Jennifer Hubbard, Lead Generation Specialist
“Great event this year at LiveWorx. It was great to see many familiar faces from past engagements. There was also exciting conversation’s around future optimization opportunities. Hope to be talking to many of you again very soon. Thanks for stopping by!“
– Chris Woerther, Business Development Manager
“It’s amazing to see how the product development landscape is changing! Digital transformation is bringing together designers, manufacturing personnel, operations, and service departments like never before. It’s not ‘this department’ or ‘that department’ anymore, it’s ‘our company’. Connected design and connected operations are here…and they’re changing everything.”
– Anthony Bayerl, Marketing Manager
“Eye opening! Jim Heppelmann said preparation for change and pace would be key. LiveWorx was all that and more with examples and demonstrations of ‘auto-magical’ daily.“
– Dan McMillan, Connected Business Unit Manager
Watch a recap of the LiveWorx 2018 Technology Conference below!
Talk to us about connecting your organization about any of the discussions we’ve talked about at LiveWorx 2018! Email us at info@eacpds.com