
        EAC is fast. Files are always up to date. It’s easy to share designs across the organization, so collaboration is easy.

        Marcia Jones

        Product development manager

        We can collaborate inside a single document on multiple facets of a design at once… Onshape is a…fully capable CAD package.

        Nashville TN


        We could use simpler computers and just have the CAD run in an internet browser, that's what really intrigued me.

        Ferndale WA

        Engineering Manager

        Everything is moving to the cloud, and for CAD to not do that just doesn't make any sense.

        Alice TX

        Engineering Manager

        Onshape behaves like a ‘Google Doc for CAD,’ which is very simple and easy to use for collaboration. We also like that there’s no IT overhead.

        Mike White


        I started my career using SolidWorks, then I switched to Pro/ENGINEER which is now Creo. Creo Parametric, in my opinion, is the best CAD software available. I have noticed recently that files created in Solidworks tend to have solid modeling issues and make it difficult to design to the solid models needed. The reputation and performance that Creo has definitely surpasses any other software on the market.

        Mike Goetz

        Senior Engineer | Augustine Die and Mold Inc.

        PTC Creo Parametric is more intuitive and there are more options. It is more of a direct input environment and it seems to be a bit more professional.

        Josh Bendel

        Owner | Automation Design

        Vuforia Chalk is a fundamentally disruptive form of remote communication.

        ABI Research

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