There’s no question about it, in business, we all have an area for improvement- and for many companies, this ‘area” has to do with service. Here’s how to deliver higher levels of service. 

According to PTC, and this infographic, a recent survey of more than 100 service leaders by Tech-Clarity discovered 54% of respondents experience poor customer satisfaction due to poor service information.

Think about how poorly managed service information could be impacting your customers and costing your organization money. It’s time to deliver higher levels of service. We can’t wait to show you how.

  1. Look at Current Processes

The first step to improving service delivery and documentation requires an in-depth analysis of how you currently manage service information. In order to successfully achieve higher levels of service, you must evaluate all aspects of your current people, processes, and technology.

  1. Recognize Areas for Improvement Needed to Deliver Higher Levels of Service 

There is always room for improvement! For example, do your service leaders need to search multiple locations to gather all required information? Have you ever-experienced situations where changes made during production were not documented? Would you say that your information is intuitively structured for service? Do you fully understand how product changes impact service? The list goes on and on, but it’s important to recognize the areas your organization may struggle with in order to take your service delivery to the next level.

  1. Realize the Costs of Your Challenges

Try to quantify what service challenges cost your organization. Companies dealing with poor service information management face real financial repercussions. Some of these business costs include poor customer satisfaction, extended downtime, high service labor costs and even damaged service and brand reputation and more. You must realize the cost your organization faces from poorly managed service information if you ever intend to achieve higher levels of service.

  1. Determine Your Needs in-order to Achieve Higher Levels of Service 

This is the part where you align business goals with initiatives. Perhaps for your organization, this could be as simple as getting product information to the field sooner. Maybe your company would flourish by connecting technical information to product support and field operations. What would happen if your company could ensure engineering CAD models remain linked so that information never became outdated? How might a new focus on improving technician productivity by getting the right people the information and parts at the right time, benefit you? Could your organization greatly benefit from an ability to leverage existing engineering data to produce service content? Whatever your needs are, it’s important to define them in order to achieve higher levels of service throughout your organization.

  1. Realize That Technology Is Your Key To Success

The truth is, the right service information management solutions can greatly improve your service levels. You could avoid many costly challenges by using software that dynamically publishes and delivers service information based on engineering and product data within a Product Data Management (PDM) or Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system.

Just imagine, if your company implemented the right technology to manage service information, you could:

  • Enable your technicians to find, understand and trust your product and part information.
  • Reduce customer downtime by improving first-time fix rates.
  • Increase service and technician efficiency.
  • Significantly lower overall service costs by reducing unnecessary repeat service visits.
  • Improve your brand reputation through superior service.

By selecting the right software, your technicians will improve their ability to find, understand, and trust product parts information. Doing this will help your organization achieve higher levels of service and increase revenue. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to achieve higher levels of service and success.

Download the Service Transformation Journey Ebook

Want to learn more? Read the Service Transformation eBook

To create accurate, up-to-date technical information, 84% of OEMs reuse engineering data – converting engineering bills of materials (eBOMs) into service bills of materials (sBOMs). 

This eBook details the successes companies in the aerospace, automotive, and other industries have experienced as a result of transforming their eBOMs into sBOMs. Download now to read their stories.

Help us help you! We know your Windchill System is critical, that’s why we designed a program just for you.

Some estimate that 70% of companies do not regularly perform routine maintenance on their Windchill System. Were on a mission to change that.

In an effort to provide on-going technical support, business process consulting and adoption services; EAC offers the Windchill Alliance Program (Services). This is a service package intended to provide professional Windchill maintenance and administration services, regardless of a customer’s stage of adoption.

Our team of expert technicians will improve your system performance, optimize server and license configurations, and ultimately maintain a stable PLM environment for your organization.

After receiving your FREE Windchill System Checkup and becoming a customer, here’s what you will receive:

System and Application Administration 

This includes everything from starting and stopping your Windchill environment to cleaning up unreferenced files and cache folders. Let our team do the busy work of monitoring and managing your system so you can get the most out of your Windchill investment.

Database Administration

The EAC Alliance team will review, restore, and analyze your database growth and performance. Our database administration covers anything and everything from network administration, security administration, and backup services. Put us in-charge of performing and verifying your scheduled system backups to ensure your system is running properly.

Business Administration

We will take care of all your Windchill business administration needs such as adding new roles, updating accounts, operating system maintenance, network administration, license usage reporting and more.

End-User Support

Our end user support consists of everything from help desk support, to advice on best practices, to user mentoring, to Alliance Program review meetings and more. We want to help you with all your system questions and needs.

Still want to learn more? Check out our article on the Top 10 Questions we get about our EAC Alliance Program.

Also,  Here’s what customer’s see with our Windchill Managed Services and what you can expect as an EAC Alliance Customer!

Our goal is to help you increase your Windchill system uptime, eliminate corrupt workspaces, improve sluggish system performance, safeguard your security, and guarantee your system is up-to-date. Take a proactive approach to maintaining your Windchill environment today!

Managing a new enterprise system can be a daunting task. It can test your staff’s knowledge bases and affect the top and bottom line of your business. That being said, many companies have invested in some sort of PLM or PDM tool (learn more about what ERP, MRP, PLM, and PDM are in this post). This post is for everyone that has invested in a PLM/PDM tool and wants to make sure they’re getting the most out of the investment.

Here are five signs it is time to invest in PLM consulting.

1. You use your PLM /PDM system solely for data management 

Many people purchase PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) systems and struggle to use them to their full potential.

They relegate these amazing systems to simple file vaults.

But, they paid for so much more.

If you’re implementing a PLM tool and use it as a  data vault, you’ve essentially taken on 100% of the investment to recognize 20% of the benefit.

Without full understanding and utilization of your PLM system, you’re missing the opportunity to capture the main benefits of these investments.

When fully implemented and adopted, these systems integrate people, data, processes and much more.

2. You don’t fully understand your PLM system 

I hope none of you that relate to this point think I’m calling you dumb.

PLM is just…a lot.

A good analogy is a car.

We all understand the basics; four wheels, seats, steering wheel, engine.

It is obvious why I want a car, the benefits are clear to me.

That doesn’t mean I know how to troubleshoot, install, and maintain an ignition system.

It is not uncommon to have the wrong idea of PLM system complexity.

They do a lot: data management, process management, lifecycle change, and much more.

This could be why 70 percent of PLM investments are failing to meet manager expectations.

When PLM systems are implemented correctly, they allow your company to further maximize productivity.

3. You Find Yourself Re-Inventing the Wheel

Product lifecycle management solutions are enterprise level systems.

When you attempt to utilize optional configurations, they become complex quickly.

Due to this, many companies find themselves reinventing the wheel around correct PLM configurations.

When this happens, you are only taking more steps backward.

This can easily be avoided with the help of a knowledgeable PLM consultant who is familiar with your situation and has the ability to direct you down the right path.

Alliance Program Request a Quote

4. You have multiple issues with PLM system stability 

With so many companies investing large amounts of money into PLM enterprise systems, it is important for them to be working correctly.

If your PLM system is continually going down or needs to be restarted, this is another sign you should look into PLM consulting.

A product lifecycle management consultant with experience could locate and diagnose the root cause of your PLM system’s problems, allowing your company to avoid them in the future.

5. Your users complain about general PLM system usability

If your team is constantly complaining about the general performance and interaction on of your PLM interface, odds are that your system hasn’t been properly configured.

Complaints are one thing, but an inability to address the cause and improve user’s situation— that can have a dramatic impact on employee satisfaction and productivity.

User complaints are typically symptoms of larger PLM issues.

An experienced PLM admin can typically decode user feedback and develop a plan to dramatically improve productivity and UX.

The need for ongoing product lifecycle management system administration and maintenance is often overlooked by many companies.

For PLM systems to properly evolve, it is important to partner with system experts who can help your business succeed.

Free Windchill System Check-Up

Let’s talk about Windchill System administration services and why they could be crucial to your business’s success.

When it comes to engineering centric products, technology can become a very complicated matter.

Due to the complexity of product data management systems, many things can go wrong if they’re not properly managed.

Here is a list of the common problems you could face if you choose to manage your engineering data management and PLM systems in-house.

1. System downtime 

One of the worst problems you may face is extended sessions of Windchill downtime due to technology failures.

For example, it is common to be unaware when your Windchill system is running out of disk space. When this happens, a Windchill system can and will go down.

In many cases, these system instances are easily overlooked without the help of a dedicated Windchill support team.

The reality is, if at anytime your product data management system is not functioning, your company will end up losing money.

Aside from preventing your business from making profits, a Windchill system downtime could lead you to lose access to core systems.

This includes servers and back-end processors, ultimately, preventing you from doing your job. According to a study done by USA Today, 80 percent of managers reported product data management system downtime costs exceeding $50,000 per hour.

2. Windchill System Performance Problems 

More than 70 percent of our customers do not perform routine Windchill maintenance.

Without utilizing a Windchill managed services team, you could be missing an opportunity to prevent, find and fix system problems prior to a technology failure.

How are you supposed to know if your PDM system needs more RAM, if you should allocate more resources, or if your Windchill server has been performing slow?

When you have regular performance check-ups, you will be able to improve the overall performance of your business.

Regular Windchill system performance check-ups also help avoid system downtime as you are provided with early warnings of any possible malfunctions that may occur. If a disaster strikes, you can rest easier knowing your business won’t lose any valuable data.

3. Productivity loss

Not only can technology failures prevent your business from making a profit, it can also cripple the productivity of your employees.

I mean nobody wants to hand out free money to those who are just sitting around simply because they are unable to do their job, am I right?

Many times, your IT department may have to work overtime to recover lost data. If the customer perception is affected, a costly marketing campaign may be the only thing to win back customers.

Bottomline, the impact of a Windchill system complication may be worse than you realize and your company could lose the ability for anyone to do work.

4. High-Security risks

Your Windchill system could appear to be running properly, but if it is not protected, your business could experience a security breach. If this happens, it will put your sensitive data at risk.

To help with this, it is important to have multiple layers of security measures in place. If your system is being closely monitored by an Windchill administration team, you will be aware of any inconsistencies.

When you have someone you trust monitoring your Windchill system, you’ll have less to worry about. I truly believe it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your company’s data.

By using a Windchill system administration service, you can rest easy knowing you are being taken care of. Plus- while your system is being properly maintained, you will be able to free up your IT department and focus on more important business initiatives.

Want to learn the current health of your Windchill System? With no obligations or any cost – sign up for a Windchill system check-up to have our experts look at your system!

Enterprise systems require administration and management that can be time-consuming and foreign territory for many companies. This is why we created The EAC Alliance Program.

The Alliance Program provides PTC Windchill system  administration and support services.

Our team of expert technicians improve system performance, optimize server and license configurations, and maintain a stable PLM environment for your organization. The Alliance Program is transforming the way companies service their Windchill and Intralink PLM & PDM systems.

Alliance Program customers save an average of 50% over other options for dedicated administration and support.

Our team of certified and experienced technicians proactively monitors system events and diagnostics that typically go unnoticed.

Their attention to detail and deep understanding of the technology allows them to increase system stability and reduce downtime by up to 95%.

At EAC, we want to partner with you to you create a better, more productive workspace. The Alliance Program is helping customers increase user satisfaction and ensure a return on their Windchill investment. We accomplish this by providing:

  • On-going technical support
  • Business process consulting
  • System Monitoring
  • System Maintenance
  • Upgrade Planning
  • Implementation
  • Performance Tuning
  • Windchill Server Optimization
  • Monthly Mentoring for Admins & Users
  • Discounts on all EAC Training Services

If you’re looking for a way to improve sluggish or slow Windchill system performance, increase system uptime up to 99%, and even reduce operational risk, the Alliance Program can help. To learn more about the Alliance Program, download our brochure here.

Curious about the current state of your system? For a limited time the EAC Alliance Program team will perform a FREE Windchill System Analysis. You can claim your free Windchill System Analysis here.

Claim Your Free Analysis