Help us help you! We know your Windchill System is critical, that’s why we designed a program just for you.

Some estimate that 70% of companies do not regularly perform routine maintenance on their Windchill System. Were on a mission to change that.

In an effort to provide on-going technical support, business process consulting and adoption services; EAC offers the Windchill Alliance Program (Services). This is a service package intended to provide professional Windchill maintenance and administration services, regardless of a customer’s stage of adoption.

Our team of expert technicians will improve your system performance, optimize server and license configurations, and ultimately maintain a stable PLM environment for your organization.

After receiving your FREE Windchill System Checkup and becoming a customer, here’s what you will receive:

System and Application Administration 

This includes everything from starting and stopping your Windchill environment to cleaning up unreferenced files and cache folders. Let our team do the busy work of monitoring and managing your system so you can get the most out of your Windchill investment.

Database Administration

The EAC Alliance team will review, restore, and analyze your database growth and performance. Our database administration covers anything and everything from network administration, security administration, and backup services. Put us in-charge of performing and verifying your scheduled system backups to ensure your system is running properly.

Business Administration

We will take care of all your Windchill business administration needs such as adding new roles, updating accounts, operating system maintenance, network administration, license usage reporting and more.

End-User Support

Our end user support consists of everything from help desk support, to advice on best practices, to user mentoring, to Alliance Program review meetings and more. We want to help you with all your system questions and needs.

Still want to learn more? Check out our article on the Top 10 Questions we get about our EAC Alliance Program.

Also,  Here’s what customer’s see with our Windchill Managed Services and what you can expect as an EAC Alliance Customer!

Our goal is to help you increase your Windchill system uptime, eliminate corrupt workspaces, improve sluggish system performance, safeguard your security, and guarantee your system is up-to-date. Take a proactive approach to maintaining your Windchill environment today!

Communicating product data across an organization has become more complex than ever. Here are 9 reasons it’s time to connect your enterprise systems.

With different departments gathering product data form a variety of systems including Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), and Quality Management Systems (QMS) and more, how do we know our organizations are making the most out of all the information we’re collecting?

Just think about it for a second. Our systems and departments speak different languages, while a company likely aims for a single goal. This is why it can pay to connect your systems and provide company-wide access to business and product knowledge

With an estimated 90% of the world’s data created in the last two years alone (Conner, n.d.), it’s no wonder that companies have trouble utilizing it all.  The IDC estimates that just 0.5% of the data we companies produce is ever used. It’s time to change that.

1. Increased Usability

Data experts believe that if Fortune 1,000 companies increased the amount of data they used by just 10%, they could realize over $65 million in additional net income (Marr, 2015). These numbers are huge. Hopefully, they help you understand why I’m writing this blog and pleading my case.

The truth is – our systems are currently too complex for many roles within our organizations to navigate, find, and transfer the right information. This leaves our separate departments accountable for communicating different product data.

So how do we make our product data more usable? By democratizing our product data from all existing sources into one single system.

2. Better Access to Data

The most important reason your product data shouldn’t (internally) be kept a secret is because product data is your company’s most valuable asset. Not everyone who needs access to specific product information hosted in your PLM system is from your engineering department, so why force them through the same vigorous Product Lifecycle system training?

In order to effectively use data, departments must have ready access to it.

After all, the solution to this problem must make rich product information easy to accessible for a broad set of roles. By creating an organized system that connects all of your product data, your organization’s information is easily assessable to users beyond those who have created it. Just think of the possibilities if you connected your data from multiple systems and delivered it to all departments through individualized, role-based views.

3. Complete Data

Imagine an entire enterprise with access to real data, at the right time, when it’s needed. By connecting your product lifecycle management systems with your other enterprise systems, every stakeholder within your organization can leverage product data from multiple systems. They can make accurate decisions based on the latest, most accurate information from EBoM, MBoM, SBoM, ERP, MRP, and QMS data.

4. Better Insights

Better data + better visibility = better insights. Your teams are demanding more at lightning speeds from your PLM processes and solutions. This is another reason why your organization might consider integration technologies and custom front-end solutions.

An enterprise with insights into how current products and processes can be optimized can drastically improve overall productivity. Providing your team with access to up-to-date, accurate product data will allow your organization to have better insight into areas for continuous improvement.

5. Better Decisions

Ready access to information is especially important to any company involved with product development.

Users without access to information often make assumptions and resort to workarounds. This opens the door to  poor decisions and errors, quality problems, and waste. Decisions made from out-of-date, inaccurate data threaten product quality and delay time to market.

By providing everyone in your organization with broad visibility into your organization will drive better, more accurate decisions. This will improve your quality, reduce waste, scrap, rework, and meeting your time-to-market goals. The analytics resulting from connected systems help users across your organization make accurate decisions throughout your entire development process.

6. Better Products

Who doesn’t want to create better products faster? Providing your organization with universal access to data will allow your company to drastically accelerate product development. How so? By connecting disparate systems, you will have access to real-time data allowing you to achieve better product decisions. Because your decisions and actions are now driven by up-to-date information, you will achieve a higher product quality.

7. Increased Productivity

Why waste time manually reading, entering and analyzing data, when it could be automatically collected, filtered, and combined? By linking enterprise systems into one simple interface, any user within your organization can access contextual, up-to-date, real-time product information anytime they need. I guarantee your productivity will grow when your organization is able to plan earlier with manufacturing, order materials sooner with purchasing all while your engineering team is spending less time pulling reports.

8. Increased Collaboration

Using a system that provides role-based access for stakeholders provides every role with the ability to quickly understand the status of a part number, inventory, and the part or assembly’s role in the “big picture.” This will not only help mobilize and inform the work of teams throughout the organization, but it will also help maximize the success of your product development. Giving your team the ability to extend and connect your PLM data into the rest of your enterprise will rapidly increase your overall organization collaboration.

9.  Real Results

The ultimate benefit your organization will achieve by connecting your systems comes from your ability to get to real results faster. It makes the “to” in “Quote-to-Cash” just a little bit faster. What does that mean? Data gives your organization confidence to quickly deliver value. Good decisions, accurate manufacturing, knowledgeable service groups, self-sufficient marketing and sales teams. This all adds up to faster time to market, faster time to revenue — real results.

So.. what now? It’s time to connect your enterprise systems. 

I know what you’re probably thinking, ‘this sounds great, but it’s not that easy to connect and provide role-based access to enterprise systems.’

And you’re right. It would take a tool that connects all of your enterprise systems, right? I’m glad you’ve stuck it out for the long haul — because this is what I’ve been waiting to tell you. There IS a solution. It’s called ThingWorx Navigate. What is it? It is a single role-based app that you can easily access from your smartphone, tablet, or computer where you can literally see all of your product data in one place — no matter what department you’re from. Mind blown? We knew we needed to get our hands on it the moment we found out this solution that everyone has been looking for — which is why PTC has trusted us to be a valued Solutions Provider for their product ThingWorx Navigate.

Watch our video on how easy it is to use ThingWorx Navigate and how it may change the way your company does business.

Thingworx Navigate We hate waiting for data video

It’s no surprise that product data is your organization’s most valuable asset. Product data gives the employees within your organization the key to their own day-to-day success. Most enterprise software tools are inaccessible to a broad range of users due to costly licensing, extensive training, and the time it takes to personalize the data for various roles throughout an organization.

Imagine how powerful your company can become with one centralized hub everyone within the organization can access without over complicating the product design process.

EAC Product Development Solutions is a Solutions Provider for PTC – which means we give companies access to the latest technologies that the Industry has to offer for product development.

What is ThingWorx Navigate?

PTC’s latest genius product has us all jumping up and down with joy as it is something that will ultimately make your lives easier. PTC ThingWorx Navigate (formerly known as PTC Navigate) is a role-based app that gives your team a platform where every department can access product information through one centralized hub. Instead of having to manually access your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or your Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system to find the information you need to share with other departments, each individual will have access right from their smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer.

The image below shows just some of the out-of-the-box apps available to PTC Navigate users. ThingWorx Navigate gives you the ability to customize the apps according to your company’s own organization and data needs.

ThingWorx Navigate App | EACPDS

ThingWorx Navigate offers a modern user experience that is as easy to use as a smartphone app. It’s time you started unlocking the potential of your product data.

How We Can Customize ThingWorx Navigate to Fit Your Organization

Our team of developers can customize and configure ThingWorx Navigate apps for your organization. Our developers created EAC Productivity Apps, custom- built “apps” for PTC Windchill and other enterprise data – called PLMReports and QuickAccess.

The screenshot you see below is a configuration of PLMReports, displaying a search filter for a part number.

Windchill Report Portal

EAC’s Implementation Consultant, David Sichi, says that “PLMReports is an app that acts as a centralized location to run Windchill reports from within ThingWorx. From here, a number of different reports that would appear in different locations in Windchill can be run from the same page. Each report can be accessed by double clicking it’s row, bringing up a small input search filter screen. After populating the specified criteria, the report results can be displayed either in the same window or brought up in a new tab to retain the current page.”

The screenshot you see below is a configuration of ThingWorx Navigate created by our engineers called QuickAccess.

QuickChange Access

QuickAccess provides simplified access to PDM (product data management) and ERP data and visualizations. Greg Montgomery, EAC’s Senior Implementation Consultant says, “QuickAccess provides simplified access for downstream and upstream manufacturing roles to select PLM data sets. The simplified interface results in an improved end user experience and ultimately greater user adoption of PLM.” EAC Productivity Apps and ThingWorx Navigate capabilities make it easier for people to see and submit change, variant, and deviation requests throughout their product development processes.

Check out more information on managing product data and your design process with PTC ThingWorx Navigate with our free eBook here.

Download ThingWorx Navigate eBook

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) isn’t the sexiest topic, but it does have a certain je ne sais quoi if you ask me. The evolution of this technology is really fascinating and the business impact of the adopting a PLM system definitely falls into the category of ‘exciting.’

Today we expect instant access to data, high-quality products, and exceptional customer service. Couple that with the need for companies to continually, and quickly, innovate in order to stay relevant, PLM quickly becomes the best looking dance partner on the floor. PLM drives value from quote-to-cash and helps organizations collaborate effectively, get to market faster, and make more money. What’s not sexy about that? Here are 5 companies that are using PLM to get, and stay ahead. Take a look. I hope it gets you thinking about areas PLM could benefit your business.

1. Lifetime

‘Lifetime is innovation’

Let’s begin with a well-known company, recognized for its’ ability to continually think different and better. “Lifetime invented the first portable basketball hoop and then the first complete basketball system packaged in one box. This simple, yet new concept made basketball systems easy for mass retailers to store and sell, and for consumers to take home” (Lifetime)

What does this have to do with PLM? The answer is everything. Selling the complete basketball system in a box to retailers is what initially launched the growth of the product lifecycle for Lifetime. Product Lifecycle Management allowed Lifetime to quickly develop virtual product prototypes for retailers before the products physically existed. With the use of one system, the company was able to quickly produce prototypes, while developing and shipping the products in time. PLM has expedited this company’s time to market by allowing Lifetime to consolidate databases that control product data. This has ultimately helped leveraged a faster product release.

2. Lenovo

A passion for innovation and collaboration’

Lenovo is a $43 billion dollar global technology company with over fifty-two thousand employees. They design, develop, manufacture and sell personal tables, computers, workstations, servers, and electronic storage devices. Currently marketing the ThinkPad line of notebook computers, the company is well known for its versatile devices.

“We test Think systems against 12 military-grade requirements and more than 200 quality checks to ensure they function in extreme conditions. From the arctic wilderness to desert dust storms, from zero-gravity to spills and drops, you can trust ThinkPad and ThinkCentre to handle whatever life throws your way” (Lenovo)

With a vision to be the number one product technology company in the world, Product Lifecycle Management has helped unleash a passion for innovation and collaboration. The PLM system, Windchill, allowed Lenovo to collaborate with their partners. Using one universal system the company has efficiently utilized their design teams located in both Japan and China. You can see how PLM tools have helped Lenovo here.


‘Actionable steps to streamline development’

iRobot designs and builds robots that improve quality of life and safety standards worldwide. The company develops some of the world’s most important robots ranging from combat-proven defense to public safety to household cleaning. You might be familiar with iRobot’s products, including the award-winning Roomba® Vacuuming Robot and the Braava® family of mopping robot that have been welcomed into millions of homes around the world. “iRobot is at the forefront of developing technologies in the areas of mapping and navigation, human-robot interaction, and physical solutions.” (IRobot). As they grew IRobot faced challenges from decentralized files and product data. With the use of PLM, iRobot was able to break down the barriers between engineering and operations to save time and reduce costs.

4. Whirlpool

‘Leaders never rest. Leaders transform.’

Over the last 100 years, Whirlpool has grown to become the world’s leading appliance manufacturer. This company continues to lead the market as they improve their ability to collaborate across their global brands. Whirlpool depends on the use of PLM technology to help them overcome challenges by providing a single source of truth for every product, part, and resource throughout the organization. By unifying the entire enterprise, Whirlpool is able to optimize its product development processes and the performance of its engineering teams to create truly global designs that not only meet but also exceed customer needs.

So, sexy? Maybe not. But important, transformational, necessary? Absolutely. How could a single source of product data help your company?

Managing a new enterprise system can be a daunting task. It can test your staff’s knowledge bases and affect the top and bottom line of your business. That being said, many companies have invested in some sort of PLM or PDM tool (learn more about what ERP, MRP, PLM, and PDM are in this post). This post is for everyone that has invested in a PLM/PDM tool and wants to make sure they’re getting the most out of the investment.

Here are five signs it is time to invest in PLM consulting.

1. You use your PLM /PDM system solely for data management 

Many people purchase PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) systems and struggle to use them to their full potential.

They relegate these amazing systems to simple file vaults.

But, they paid for so much more.

If you’re implementing a PLM tool and use it as a  data vault, you’ve essentially taken on 100% of the investment to recognize 20% of the benefit.

Without full understanding and utilization of your PLM system, you’re missing the opportunity to capture the main benefits of these investments.

When fully implemented and adopted, these systems integrate people, data, processes and much more.

2. You don’t fully understand your PLM system 

I hope none of you that relate to this point think I’m calling you dumb.

PLM is just…a lot.

A good analogy is a car.

We all understand the basics; four wheels, seats, steering wheel, engine.

It is obvious why I want a car, the benefits are clear to me.

That doesn’t mean I know how to troubleshoot, install, and maintain an ignition system.

It is not uncommon to have the wrong idea of PLM system complexity.

They do a lot: data management, process management, lifecycle change, and much more.

This could be why 70 percent of PLM investments are failing to meet manager expectations.

When PLM systems are implemented correctly, they allow your company to further maximize productivity.

3. You Find Yourself Re-Inventing the Wheel

Product lifecycle management solutions are enterprise level systems.

When you attempt to utilize optional configurations, they become complex quickly.

Due to this, many companies find themselves reinventing the wheel around correct PLM configurations.

When this happens, you are only taking more steps backward.

This can easily be avoided with the help of a knowledgeable PLM consultant who is familiar with your situation and has the ability to direct you down the right path.

Alliance Program Request a Quote

4. You have multiple issues with PLM system stability 

With so many companies investing large amounts of money into PLM enterprise systems, it is important for them to be working correctly.

If your PLM system is continually going down or needs to be restarted, this is another sign you should look into PLM consulting.

A product lifecycle management consultant with experience could locate and diagnose the root cause of your PLM system’s problems, allowing your company to avoid them in the future.

5. Your users complain about general PLM system usability

If your team is constantly complaining about the general performance and interaction on of your PLM interface, odds are that your system hasn’t been properly configured.

Complaints are one thing, but an inability to address the cause and improve user’s situation— that can have a dramatic impact on employee satisfaction and productivity.

User complaints are typically symptoms of larger PLM issues.

An experienced PLM admin can typically decode user feedback and develop a plan to dramatically improve productivity and UX.

The need for ongoing product lifecycle management system administration and maintenance is often overlooked by many companies.

For PLM systems to properly evolve, it is important to partner with system experts who can help your business succeed.

Free Windchill System Check-Up

Recently I had an epiphany. It wasn’t the kind of epiphany that changes a life forever and drives someone to become a monk in the Himalayas, but it was an epiphany nonetheless. It had to do with collaboration, data management, reporting, and the way many of our customers inevitably deal with their customers.

For the sake of this blog I’m going to oversimplify the “discrete manufacturing” industry into two categories: Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and OEM suppliers. Many of our customers supply larger companies. This puts our customers in a unique situation in which they operate their businesses within other people’s timetables. They operate their internal projects within larger projects managed by the end customer. This is where things can get tricky, but I digress…

I was grabbing lunch with a couple friends, colleagues, and long-time engineering veterans when the conversation veered into oncoming traffic. A simple question, “Does anyone have any meetings they need to get back for?” opened up a new line of dialogue. One of the engineers referenced a late afternoon meeting and started talking about the time they waste on redundant meetings with their internal teams and the end customer. Throughout any given week they have status meetings, update meetings, and check-ins on the updates and statuses. Everyone is always trying to stay on top of expectations and progress and it seems like it’s, well, getting in the way of progress!

The other engineer sympathetically chimed in because they both felt the same pain and frustration with the overhead of trying to GSD (Get $#!+ Done!). Throughout the conversation, phrases like “they didn’t hire me to attend meetings” and “I wonder if anyone is adding up how much these meetings cost?” were thrown around. I couldn’t help but think there had to be a better way…in fact, I knew there was a better way. You can dive in and learn more about Knowledge Worker Management and Time Boxing here, but for now I’m going to focus on the tools that can help GSD.

Nowadays the acronyms PDM and PLM have become common terms in the engineering and manufacturing world – Product Data Management and Product Lifecycle Management. These tools can relieve some of the frustration. If a company uses a tool like PTC Windchill to collaborate with customers and internal teams, they can set milestones, see real-time reporting based on work states, and manage changes easily and within clearly defined workflows. They can help provide answers to questions without needing to interrupt the engineering staff.

If you give us a call and a few minutes we can help you understand the return on investment in a legitimate PDM/PLM tool (something other than file folders and shared drives). We can help you figure out how much time and money PTC Windchill can save you – hard numbers that help the bean counters sleep at night. But, it is important to remember there are tangible benefits to improving your collaborative space that go beyond cycle times and promotion requests. Investing in a PDM or PLM tool can free up time for engineers to get back to engineering. An engineer’s lunchtime conversation should focus on the amazing innovations they’re working on. It shouldn’t focus on frustrating meeting-itis. Engineers aren’t cheap. Let’s get them back to work and out of redundant meetings. I think tools like PTC Windchill can help do exactly that.