Similar to the Product Development System Assessment, the Streamlined PDSA focuses on interviews and direct inputs from team members to help optimize your product development system

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Similar to the functional PDSA, this assessment focuses on the interviews and direct inputs from your team members. However, it does not include an on-line survey and corresponding metric output.

We offer this assessments as one of our variations of the Product Development System Assessment (PDSA), based on your specific needs. This assessment is typically for companies that have already decided to optimize their product development system, have the approval to proceed, but are unsure of where to start or what to focus on first.


Below you’ll find answers to our most commonly asked questions.

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How is the Streamlined PDSA different from a normal Product Development System Assessment?

The Streamlined PDSA does not include the online survey included in the normal PDSA. Our focus would be on the individual one-hour interviews held with your team. The results are based on details that are heard directly from the interviewees.

What areas can the assessment cover at our business?

We can assess your business processes end-to-end. We interview any stakeholders involved with product development, whether they contribute to or consume your product data.

What if I only want to focus on one specific area with this assessment?

We offer a variety of assessments – each type can be tailored to cover what your organization needs specifically. Please read through the outlines of our assessments to find out which one might best fit your needs. If you are not sure, contact us. We would be glad to help determine how we can best help your organization.

Are we required to buy from you once the assessment is complete?

No. We intentionally position these assessments as a standalone. You can choose to execute our recommendations any way you would like. However, we are confident that partnering with EAC will bring you the results that our experts recommend for the future of your product development.